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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Business Minded

My mind is always working. I am constantly trying to come up with new business ideas and ways to make money. As I watch television with different ads and programs I will have about ten business ideas in an hour. I have come to the conclusion that for most money making ideas, you must first have money to put into it. I know this is attributed to the old saying" you must have money to make money", but I find this to be, in most cases, the honest truth! I find this way of thinking extremely annoying and yet I am trapped by the truth of it. If I could make money by selling my ideas I would be headed toward living the easy life. I will just have to be content, for now, with the small businesses I have and doing a little of this and a little of that until the day comes (if it ever does come) when I have the money to really experiment. I will admit that I enjoy the process of thinking up ideas and making them happen. The start up is exciting and new and enjoyable. For now I will have to settle for the small ideas and the enjoyment I get from them....

I would love to hear about your success stories and even your failures...we can all learn...

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